Castlewood Missouri and Castlewood State Park, 1401 Kiefer Creek Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021
More photos and info for Castlewood Missouri and Castlewood State Park at History of Castlewood Missouri

Image will take you to - 1920s Castlewood Train Depot and Washington Hotel in what is now Castlewood State Park.
A Spanish land grant at the turn of the 19th century made to Joseph Keiffer and used for farming by G. Gratiot included part of the area that is now the Castlewood community and that part of Castlewood State Park lying north of the Meramec River. From that time,  parcels of the property passed through many ownerships: Nicholas Dresdehan, Alexander Andre, L.E. Strothkamp, St. Paul Lime Company, Ranken Estate, Union Sand and Gravel Company, and the Meramec Realty Company. The name "Castlewood" is  probably derived from "Castle Woods," an unsuccessful speculative subdivision development in 1871 along the bluffs just west of the present community.